A basic guide to office headsets

Our guide explaining the distinct types of headsets available to use for office communications, contact centres and home workers for telephones, workstations, and PC’s

If you have never purchased office communication headsets before, here is our quick guide to answer some of the basic questions we are most frequently asked by customers when purchasing headsets. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision when searching for a headset that suits your needs.

So let’s begin with some basics regarding styles and types of headsets available and why it’s important to consider when you’re doing your research.

Binaural headsets
Tend to be better where there is the potential for background noise where the headset user needs to concentrate on calls and doesn’t really need to interact too much with those around them during the call.
Ideal use case for binaural headsets would be busy offices, contact centres and noisier environments.

Monaural headsets
Are ideal for quiet offices, receptions etc where the user would need to regularly interact with both people on the telephone as well as people around them. Technically you can do this with a binaural, however you may find yourself constantly shifting one earpiece on and off the ear as you switch from calls to speaking to the person in front of you and that might not be a good look in a professional front-of-house setting.

Ideal use case for monaural headsets are quiet receptions, doctors/dental surgeries, hotel receptions etc.
What is noise cancellation and why would I choose not to use it?
When we refer to noise cancellation in terms of telecoms headsets, we refer to the microphone part of a headset.

Noise cancellation

Is an attempt by microphone designers to use various techniques to cut background noise so that the voice of the user can be heard clearly over any background distractions.

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Noise cancellation can be anything from a simple pop-shield (the foam covering you sometimes see on microphones), to more modern noise cancelling solutions which see the microphone tuned to cut certain lower sound frequencies associated with background noise so that the speaker can be heard clearly, whilst background noise is reduced as much as possible.

Non-noise cancelling
Non noise cancelling microphones are tuned to pick-up everything, giving a very crisp, high quality clear sound – you can usually spot a non-noise cancelling microphone with the distinct clear voice-tube style pick-up which connects the user’s voice microphone embedded within the headset.
It is obvious that in a busier environment with lots of background noise, then noise cancelling microphones make the most sense, while in a quiet office with no distraction, then a non-noise cancelling microphone could make more sense if clarity of voice is important to you.

In addition, whether it is comfortable to wear is also the point of choosing headphones, because the work needs, some employees need to wear headphones for a long time, so we have to choose a comfortable headset, soft ear cushion , or you can also choose a wide silicone head pad, so as to increase comfort.

Inbertec is a professional office headset manufacturer over years. We offer both wired and wireless office headsets with excellent reliability,
noise cancellation and wearing comfort, to greatly improve your work productivity and efficiency. 
Please visit www.inbertec.com for more info.

Post time: May-24-2024